Powderglass, Early Krobo Simuilation of Venetian King Beads, 25x15mm on 31-inch Strand


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  • Early Krobo imiitation of Venetian king beads, 25x15mm on x-long 31-inch Strand
  • Putting the pieces together: Here we see the powderglass technologies of vertical stripes, horizontal stripes and bicone-shaped beadmaking begin.
  • This is a very early example, of attempts to imitate antique Venetian King beads.
  • In a cone shaped mold horizontally layered beads are created with blue and white glass. Then small reeds are inserted at intervals around the edge of the cone. This moves glass out of the way and leave a tiny channel for yellow powder glass to fill.  A layer of brown glass tops each cone. 
  • Once the cones are fused they are removed from the mold, cleaned and two parts are quickly fused together in the furnace to form the bicone shape.
  • To more recent Krobo King beads see AFG-110 -111 and AFG-113-115
  • For the original Venetian King beads see AFT-16, AFT-19 and AFT-23