Krobo Disc, Orange with Red & Yellow Seed Beads, 6x14mm on 22-inch Strands


Regular price $24.00

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  • 22-inch strands of Krobo discs 5x14mm, bright orange with yellow and red striped seed beads melted in.
  • Mixing seed beads into molds with pulverized glass to make new beads is one of many developments in the creative Krobo bead industry of Ghana. 
  • This industry has evolved mostly in my adult lifetime and it's been amazing to watch. In the early 1970 only recycled glass was being used to make single color beads in wine bottle green, beer bottle amber or a muddy mix of both. Next came blues from medicine and cosmetics bottles. Then came commercial coloring agents were added, and now seed beads are in the mix and surface decoration is evolving. It's fascinating!